Attitude is the manner, disposition, feeling, and position about
a person or thing, tendency, or orientation, especially in mind.
According to Gordon Allport, “An attitude is a mental and neural
state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or
dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations
with which it is related.”
Frank Freeman said, “An attitude is a dispositional readiness to
respond to certain institutions, persons or objects in a consistent manner
which has been learned and has become one’s typical mode of response.”
Thurstone said, “An attitude denotes the total of man’s
inclinations and feelings, prejudice or bias, preconceived notions, ideas,
fears, threats, and other any specific topic.”
1. Cognitive Component-
Cognitive component is a set of information,ideas ,facts, and knowlwdge about
the object.
2. Affective Component- The component consist of
emotions and feeling towards an object. It can be emotions of liking &
disliking, favouring and disfavouring and positive and negative evaluation
towards the object.
3. Behavioral Component- It is a tendency to behave
towards the object. (fact and emotion towards the object.)
An orange is rich in vitamins. It is good for skin.
It has a good taste. (Cognitive component)
I like Oranges. (Affective Component)
I eat an Orange daily (Behavioral Component)
1. Attitude
has an object- Attitude has an object, which is liked or disliked, favored or
disfavored, or evaluate as negative or positive. The object can be a thing, an
idea, a person, or a situation.
2. Attitude
are learnt- Attitude is not an inborn phenomenon. Attitudes are learn through
social interactions and experiences. We interact with others, experience many
things and acquire information about things which from our negative or positive
attitude towards the thing.
3. Attitudes
are predispositions- An attitude is pre disposition- a prior determined or
learnt view of a things or tendency to act in specific way towards a thing. An
individual has view which is already form in his mind.
4. Attitudes
are relatively stable phenomena- An attitude is not a momenetary feeling but a
long held view of something. Though attitude can change time to time but it is
a relatively phenomenon which persist for a period of time.
5. Attitude
has an emotional component- It is an emotional aspect of liking and disliking,
favouring disfavouring, or positive or negative evaluation.
6. Attitude
influence human behavior- A positive attitudes towards a things will influence
human behavior towards the thing favorable. Similarly a negative attitude
influence human behavior towards a thing unfavorably.
For example- A vegetarian person
would avoid eating a beef due to his negative attitude towards beef
learning forms of social interaction. In social interaction, individuals form
different patterns of attitudes toward psychological object faces. Among the
various factors that influence the formation of attitudes are:
1. Personal experience. In order to be the basis of
attitudes, personal experiences have left a strong impression. Therefore, the
attitude will be more easily formed when personal experience involves emotional
factors. In situations involving emotions, appreciation will be more in-depth
experience and longer trace.
2. Culture emphasized the influence of the environment
(including culture) in shaping one's personality. No other personality than a
consistent pattern of behavior that illustrate the history of reinforcement
(reinforcement, reward) owned. The pattern of reinforcement from the public to
the attitude and behavior, rather than to the attitudes and behavior of others.
3. Other people are considered important. In
general, the individual being conformist or the direction of the attitude of
the people it deems important. The trend is partly motivated by a desire for
affiliation and the desire to avoid conflict with the people considered
4. Media. As
a means of communication, the mass media such as television, radio, has a major
influence in shaping people's opinions and beliefs. There is new information on
something that provides the foundation for the emergence of new cognitive
attitudes towards it. Suggestive messages that carry information, if strong
enough, will provide basic affective in assessing something emepersiapkan and
forming attitudes toward certain.
5. Educational Institutions and Religious. As a
system, educational and religious institutions have a strong influence in
shaping attitudes because they lay the foundation of understanding and moral
concepts within the individual. Understanding the good and the bad, the
dividing line between something that can and can not do, is obtained from the
center of the educational and religious activities and teachings.
6. Emotional factors in themselves. Not all forms of
attitude is determined by environmental circumstances and personal experiences.
Sometimes, a form of attitude is a statement that is based on emotion which
serves as a sort of channeling frustration or transfer form ego defense
mechanisms. Such an attitude is temporary and goes away so frustrating was lost
but could also be more persistent attitude and more durable. example form
attitudes based on emotional factors are prejudice.
Attitude over aptitude is the
rallying cry for many in modern recruitment. All our fancy personality tests
and scouring of resumes has given us a fair imitation of the recruits that we
wanted in the past, but it’s never provider a reliable indicator that they
would fit in well with a team or company. Employment options are now ever more
fractured and specific, so that almost anyone will have to learn on the job
rather than bringing a full skill set to their role.
Finding someone with the right attitude, with enthusiasm and a
willingness to learn, with a personality that will fit your organization well,
can be far more useful than finding someone with the usual list of
the most of millenials
The current generation
of employees say that they want more from their jobs. They want flexibility. They want
satisfaction. They want fulfillment from their work.
So if you’re looking for people with flexibility and the
willingness to learn then take candidates up on that demand for more. Show them
the ways that they could work more flexibly in your company, or be given more
meaningful decisions. Then see how they react.
Do they look happy and excited? Do they talk about what they
would do with that opportunity? Or do they look nervous at the loss of familiar
structures, answering only in platitudes? That tells you a lot about whether
they will really let you tap into that flexibility the modern generation
it personal
A personal recruitment process, one that treats the candidates like individuals rather
than cogs in the machine, is great for the candidates. It gives them a positive
impression of your company, helps them understand you better and makes them
feel valued. It’s a good way to attract the best candidates.
But it’s also a great way to identify those best candidates once
you have them. By taking a little more time to get to know them individually,
to interact with them not just as recruits grinding through a process but as
people, you will get a much better feel for who they are.
it social
Social media is a great
way of reaching out to recruits, and it can also tell you a lot about them.
The fact that a recruit responds to a social media campaign, or
even reaches out to you that way, shows that they are well settled into the
modern world, that they are socially literate enough to comfortably use these
platforms and to let the professional and personal mix.
But the way that they use it will also tell you a lot. Do they
understand how to shift gears in a professional situation, even when it takes
place on Facebook, the place where most people show their relaxed,
unprofessional side? Can they make those quick shifts between the personal and
professional and back again? Can they set appropriate boundaries when the old
ones blur?
ready for change
The world of work is
constantly changing. For example, as robots replace people in a range of roles
and industries, so jobs become about maintaining those robots, not undertaking their
tasks. In the more
abstracted worlds of finance and recruitment, new analytical tools force us to
constantly reappraise how we work and retrain for what comes.
We need recruits who are willing and able to adapt to those
changes. We need employees chosen for their personalities, not just their
degrees. We need to recruit for attitude.